- Services Offered
- Examinations and Consultations
- Wellness and Preventative Medicine
- Puppy and Kitten
- First time Pet owners
- Vaccinations
- Export and Health Certificate
- Accidents and Illness
- Surgery
- Spays and Neuters
- C-sections
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Digital X-ray
- Ultrasound
- Dentistry
- Ultrasonic Scaling and Polishing
- Extractions
- Examinations and Consultations
- Referral Servies Available
Whenver necessary, your pets have access to Veterinary Specialists in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Radiology, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Oncology. Mobile specialists are available to see you in our hospital while others are available at Referral Centers.
- Emergencies
For After-Hours emergencies, we recommend:
Animal Emergency Clinic of the Fraser Valley
#306-6325 204th Street, Langley, B.C.
(604) 514-1711